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Audra seeks to reconnect you with the power and fragility of our only Earth by drawing you into works composed with layers of detail, complexity and relentless movement.  

Understanding Audra's Art

The Earth is a powerful, fragile place. We are of the Earth. We evolved within it, are part of it. Tranquil, stormy, calm, sunny; these descriptions of human dispositions are also words from the natural world. To be held in awe of a waterfall is to feel its power, its strength, and to understand that we are part of that same Eden. We breathe into us the wind, the heat, the moisture. We are not so separate from the water, fire, and air. Their relentless movement is our unarrestable change. To really see a landscape is to connect to it in a spiritual way. To capture that art must be more than just a metaphor. I want to convince you that a canvas should not be approached as though it’s only a window to look through or a surface to look upon. I endeavor to pull you into my artwork by working simultaneously so very tiny to draw you physically close and monumental to envelope you inside the pieces. It is a dance, moving you back and forth and in and out. I play with the visual language of the natural world, both strange and familiar; personal and universal; abstract and concrete; I want you to feel not just see that the world is beautiful and amazing and powerful and worth protecting.


Connections with the natural world
Unmanipulated images of a   remarkable Earth
Geometric fragmentation into optical illusion.